Square Breathing

The first exercises is great for beginners. It teaches you to focus on your breathing. This is the first step to control of the mind and body. The technique we will use is called "Square Breathing."

In this type of breathing you will focus on a square in your mind. The exercise starts with your focus at the bottom left corner of the square.

You then breathe in for a count of four as you move your attention up the left side of the square. As you approach the top you enter step two of the exercise. Here you will hold your breath as your attention moves from left to right across the top of the square. Count to four as you complete this step.

When you reach the top right corner of the square you begin to exhale and move through step three of the exercise. Continue to exhale for a count of four as you approach the bottom right corner of the square.

For the final step of this exercise, you simply hold your breath out as your attention moves from right to left across the bottom of the square and you count to four. You have now completed one cycle.

This exercise can be repeated as long as you have time to do it. As you focus on the exercise you will begin to clear your mind of your thoughts and troubles, reaching a place where there is only the square, and the exercise.To Recap:

1.Begin at the bottom left corner of the square. Inhale for a count of four as you move up the left side of the square-

2.Hold your breath for a count of four as you move across the top of the square moving left to right-

3.Breathe out for a count of four as you move down the right side of the square from top to bottom-

4.Hold your breath out for a count of four as you move across the bottom of the square from right to left and approach the finish.

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