Motivational Quotes

Motivational quotes are great way to get quick inspiration for your day! Each is an inspired gift given by its author to change life for the better.

Some come from famous people and some from unknown authors, but each is an opportunity to learn and grow, a few words at a time.

From the time of my youth I have been drawn to these words to power me through challenges in my life.

Some are from writings, some from songs or movies. They are a source of inspiration for in all facets of my life.

The observations of others can give you a perspective that you may not have considered.

A fresh outlook on a situation, from a person who has experienced what challenge is in front of you and succeeded in making it through.

I often write these thoughts down and keep them in places where I can see them every day. I challenge you to do the same.

Another great way to get a good dose of motivation each day is to sign up for the daily motivational moment at the right of this page. When you sign up, you get a daily email from me that I prepare each weekday.

These messages are designed to give you a quote with a brief commentary from me to give you a shot of goodness to start your day.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family who may need some inspiration for their day.

This particular section of the website is broken down into many different categories so you can get specific motivation for your particular needs.

In each section there is an option for you to contribute to our site. We will review each submission and share them with the world.

Enjoy this section of the site and feel free to share with those you care about.

For Love

Spiritual Motivational Quotes

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By Famous People

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For Healing

For Friendship

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Funny Motivational Quotes

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