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Spiritual AffirmationsSpiritual affirmations can provide inspiration for life. When life is rough and it seems like everything is causing you stress, just a few words can remind you that God loves you and calm your heart. I like to use these affirmations first thing in the morning to start my day with with a feeling of gratitude.
When you are feeling stress at any point in your day, these affirmations can be used to reduce your stress and put your focus on God. Before you begin any type of spiritual study is another good time to use these affirmations so that your focus will be in the right place when you get started. If you have a favorite passage of scripture turn it into your own daily affirmation. Please feel free to share any affirmations you like below. In Health, Dr. Bryan Schuetz
God loves me and wants me to be happy... I am surrounded by God's love at all times... God lives in my heart and loves through me... I love because God first loved me... I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me... I am a child of God... God is my source of love and healing... My life is God's gift to me, what I do with it is my gift to him. I am an extension of God's love... My life has meaning simply because I am a creation of God... Happiness and love are my birthright... When things are bad, God is still good... I know that God is my source of life...
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