Daily Motivational Quote April 6, 2011

Wednesday April 6, 2011

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply...Willing is not enough, we must do." - Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was a doer for certain. He epitomized all that can be accomplished as a martial artist and a human being. Many would say that his skills surpassed what was humanly possible.

This particular quote from Mr. Lee is very important to me. I have one quote that is in my bedroom so that it is the first thing I see every day when I wake up...and this is it.

Knowing how to do something by reading or seeing it demonstrated gives you the potential to accomplish more, but actually taking steps every day is what makes that potential real.

Potential energy is classified by science as stored energy. It has the ability to create a change but must be released to do so. When it is released it becomes kinetic energy. Kinetic means movement.

So the lesson is that you can know a great deal about a particular subject in life, but until you move on it and take action there will be no change.

Which leads me to another quote from Mr. Lee..."Make at least one definite move towards your goal every day."

In Health,

Dr. Bryan Schuetz

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