Daily Motivational Quote For March 31, 2011

Thursday March 31, 2011 Daily Motivational Quote

“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential." -Winston Churchill

Churchill made this statement at a time when his country was in the throws of war with an enemy that was winning every battle.

With his encouragement to "Never...never...ever give up." his country kept working with continuous effort to defeat the Nazis.

They had lost every battle until they eventually turned the tide at Alamein. After that victory, they never lost another battle.

History shines on Churchill for his leadership during this time. His words uplifted and encouraged the world that the evil in front of them could be defeated. Not in one day, or one battle, but with continuous effort.

What challenges are in front of you right now? Will you react like the rabbit, with short bursts of energy to try and win the race? Or will you have the consistency to give a little each day towards your goal?

With continuous effort and focus, you can achieve all that you could want. We all know how the story ends...so be the turtle my friends.

In Health,

Dr. Bryan Schuetz

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