Awaken The Giant Within

Self help guru Anthony Robbins gives some great advice in Awaken The Giant Within. He weaves in motivational stories with real tips on how to master all aspects of life.

Wake Up and Take Control of Your Life!

Anthony Robbins, the nation's leader in the science of peak performance, shows you his most effective strategies and techniques for mastering your emotions, your body, your relationships, your finances, and your life. The acknowledged expert in the psychology of change, Anthony Robbins provides a step-by-step program teaching the fundamental lessons of self-mastery that will enable you to discover your true purpose, take control of your life and harness the forces that shape your destiny.

What others have said.

"I first saw Tony Robbins on the Joan Rivers show back in 1993. I was very impressed by his charisma and energy, but like many others, felt that Tony Robbins was just a salesman trying to dupe the naive into buying his books and then all of the other products, seminars etc. At work, I ran into a friend who was radiant (unusual for her) and unusually bubbly She told me some of the changes in her life that were taking place and she had begun to read this book: "Awaken the Giant" What really impressed me were the changes that started taking place in the days and weeks that followed. She started to lose weight, was participating more in meetings at work, and then got promoted. I was impressed. So I decided that this must work. I went out and bought Awaken the Giant and began to use the techniques such as "the swish pattern" and"scrambling technique" Awaken the Giant is a huge book, but I read it in one week. My job performance improved immediately as did my tennis game. I got immediate and dramatic results. This is not just a "feel good book" the techniques really work. My girlfriend also recommended that I read "More Wealth without Risk" by Charles Givens. She told me that More Wealth without Risk did as much for her on a Financial Level than Awaken the Giant did on a personal development level. I went out and read that book and I got equally dramatic results from a financial perspective. I highly recommend both books to anyone who wants to dramatically change their lives...and quickly!" -A Customer from

"I must confess that after seeing Tony Robbins informercial, I thought he was the king of hype. Then our local Waldens had Awaken the Giant and Unlimited Power on sale for $2.99 each! At that price, I figured how could I go wrong.Much to my surprise, the techniques worked. Swish patterns and anchors have helped me tremendously. Now having experienced remarkable results, I would have gladl paid the full cover price for each plus some more." Lou Caputo from Click Here To Buy Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!

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