Monday October 10, 2011
Monday Morning Motivation!
"As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others." -Marianne Williamson
You each have a great power inside of you. You have the power to change your life and the lives of everyone around you.
That power is given to you by your creator, and it is bigger than any other power in the universe.
Bigger than money, power, or politics.
You have the ability to change the world through the power of love.
Every day, you have opportunities to share it with all the people you meet.
Don't waste it by focusing on what is wrong with people. They also have the same power as you, and a kind word might be all it takes to unlock it.
Remember... It is better to light a candle then to curse the darkness. -Chinese proverb
In Health,
Dr. Bryan Schuetz
Life Extension Specialist
Please share this with those you care about and let your light shine!